Six civilians were killed and 15 injured by terrorist YPG/PKK artillery fire and heat seeking missiles in residential areas in northern Syria, once occupied by Daesh terrorists — now cleared by Turkey’s anti-terror Operation Euphrates Shield.
Terrorists targeted the Gandura neighborhood of the Jarabulus district, held by Syrian armed opposition.
Six civilians were killed in the attack, with 13 injured.
The YPG/PKK terrorists also attacked Azaz district, firing four artillery shells which wounded two additional civilians.
On Monday, the terror organization injured three children in a separate attack on Jarabulus, located in the Operation Euphrates Shield zone.
Operation Euphrates Shield and its successors, Operation Olive Branch in 2018 and Operation Peace Spring — launched on Oct. 9 — all aim to eliminate terrorist elements near Turkey’s borders, including Daesh and the YPG/PKK.